And strange they may be. It so far seems L has forgotten the blog we just started creating, taking it to the graveyard of internet shit before it even saw the light of day, but that's fine these things do happen.
My mum says we are jelly. Don't worry shes completely sane (sort of) she says she saw this video of this cartoon guy and he was trying to avoid becoming chaos and before his eyes he starts melting and his body's spacing out and hes trying to pull it back together."Thats what feelings are like sometimes." She says in her sunny disposition voice she sometimes uses.
Like The Hulk when he bursts out of his shirt for no damn reason except that hes fucking angry. He feels compelled to rip of his clothes and genrally be a dick.
And I feel like I am The Hulk - i'm not saying that My eyes have no whites or that I have huge,green, Vainy breasts or anything - but in a way we all do.